In order to use our services, you must be a registered and active VATSIM and the Cleveland ARTCC member or affiliate. By logging into our services via the VATSIM Connent oAuth system, VATSIM and VATUSA provides information to the Cleveland ARTCC for use on our website. When logging in via Connect, the information which is provided to our services is explicitly detailed and you must consent to this information being shared with us prior to logging in. Some parts of our systems are accessible without registration or authentication. Despite not being required to log in to these services with personal credentials, data will be logged. Data includes cookies, IP addresses, and other data which may result in you being identifiable. If you wish to utilize our services while retaining anonymity, this is possible by taking appropriate anonymisation measures within your browser’s settings.
Information collected by the Cleveland ARTCC, and responsible to the facility through the VATSIM Data Protection & Handling Policy, and are displayed through this site in any matter, includes the following:
You, as a user of this website, under authority of Cleveland ARTCC, and a member under the VATSIM Network (; through the services of VATSIM, have the ability to request the removal of your data. To request your data be removed upon approval from VATSIM; through this website, you must contact our webmaster at
The information collected by Cleveland ARTCC may be shared with the following parties:
The Cleveland ARTCC utilizes “cookies” that are stored through the user’s hard drives, and are related to the client to store data relevant to each session that is created through the website. These cookies will allow you to view your personal information through “profile”s and view certain pages and functions not accessible to the general user.
The Cleveland ARTCC does, and will display links that may or not be affiliated with our party, and as such are not responsible for the privacy policies and policies of each 3rd-party website. Our party encourages members to read these policies before proceeding to utilize the sites.
The Cleveland ARTCC does not store passwords, and will not ask for passwords pertaining directly to our party. Our party will ensure that all data is properly secured, and these systems are protected and only granted authorization through explicitly granted access from permissions through the website, and the database.
The Cleveland ARTCC entrusts that the VATSIM Network (VATSIM, only accepts members who are aged above the legal age of consent to be able to register and utilize the network’s capabilities, and we entrust the VATSIM Network that the specific users have consented to allow for their information to be available to our party.
The Cleveland ARTCC must ensure to notify all members affected of any changes to this policy. All information collected prior to the date of a new policy are subject to the old policy’s material, and can not be changed in any way of share without proper consent.